INDOGO mendukung STARFINDO di INDONESIA 4.0 Conference & Expo
Apa itu INDOGO? Indogo adalah Konsultasi Program Back Office Online PERTAMA di INDONESIA, Hanya 2 menit dapatkan instant demo tools gratis yang membuat bisnis Anda melesat cetak omset lebih banyak. INDOGO dikeluarkan oleh, adalah LenMarc Group IT Consultant Software Manufacture Products focusing in Back Office System for Retail, Fabric and Textile, and Gold. We have products from PoS and upgreadable to Inventory, ERP, Accounting, WIP, and Payroll System. LenMarc accompanies you and your business from ultra micro, micro, small, medium and large. One Chain One Solution and One Stop One Solution to help your business grow up day by day.
LENMARC believes that #EveryoneisCEO (Chief Examples of Others)
A reliable CEO needs a complete and affordable platform and system. LENMARC always committed to providing the best service for you.
Why LenMarc Group Products?
We are only and the only 1 Cloud Manufacture Cloud Products that you can start from Small to Enterprise with LenMarc!
Whatever the business, there must be buying and selling. Products comes from supplier and need to be purchased by Customer.
As seen on Media like SWA, SINDONEWS, OKEZONE, telkopedia, tribunnews, tribunjabar, waspada, etc, Marketing is important because it allows businesses to maintain long-lasting and ever-present relationships with their audience.
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Apa itu INDONESIA 4.0 Conference & Expo?
Coaching Clinic offering program to help newcomers in digital transformation and industry 4.0 journey. This program is designed for both manufacturing and non-manufacturing businesses. Join us to face these challanges and guide your company towards Industry 4.0. Choose the subject that your company encountered from the options provided, as we have three primary areas of focus in digital transformation and industry 4.0 problems.
CONTACT EXHIBITOR : Naganaya Indonesia Event
CONTACT INDOGO : Website Indogo :
Daftar Demo Day Gratis :
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